As philosophy is the systematized study of fundamental questions, such as those about existence, reason, knowledge, values, thought, language and spirituality, and as such questions are often posed as problems to be studied or resolved, our philosophy is pillared in whole systems & whole solutions.
It is simply not enough to maximize efficiencies in isolation (the management consultancy model), or to build products that define entire markets (the venture capital model), or to try to innovate in a bureacratic bubble (the multinational corporate model).
More simply put, businesses and organizations must be thought of as diverse/complementary, interdependent and self-sustaining systems if they are to succeed in this next economic paradigm (or a new economy that is not paradigmatic, but rather self-fulfilling).
The requirements are straightforward - open & ever-evolving scientific methods, an adherence to sound economic principles, along with a pragmatic approach to energy transition planning.
Ideologies will never get us to the next phase of thrivable development (or any phase thereof).
Therefore, it is absolutely critical that we test all of our core assumptions against reality.
With this sensibility we then ask: Are we a system or set of systems that can adapt to a natural evolution & if so, what are the conditions for regenerating value + revenue?